"The Cosmic Dancer, declares Nietzsche, does not rest heavily in a single spot, but gaily, lightly, turns and leaps from one position to another. It is possible to speak from only one point at a time, but that does not invalidate the insights of the rest." - Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1968, p. 229.While it might be true Nietzsche never wrote precisely what Campbell attributes to him*, Campbell’s “paraphrase” of Nietzsche’s views ranks as a sharp insight in itself.
We humans sometimes wish to construct systems of thought — worldviews — that are consistent throughout and encompass everything. Yet, such “views” are simply beyond us, and might even be logically impossible.
So, perhaps the best we can do is to become Cosmic Dancers. That is, folks who are capable of looking at things from many angles and perspectives, who are capable of dancing between views, but who do not settle dogmatically on any one point of view.
* Nietzsche did, however, remark in The Gay Science (sec. 381), "I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more than to be a good dancer."
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